Saturday, February 16, 2008

New Room (and results of the vote)

Little B's new room is very nearly complete. A few things left to hang on the wall. We doubt he'll notice though.

Just to let everyone know (for those of you intensely following the UNC 2005 Championship frame placement vote), the picture is now safely hanging over the changing table. I don't think any amount of votes would have allowed me to win that debate, but I thank you all for helping out the cause!! At least we made it in the room!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

New Life at Home

We brought Branson home from the hospital on Friday afternoon, which was right in the middle of a string of night shifts for Daddy Branson.  Although I am so happy to be out of that small space in the NICU where I spent every waking moment for the previous 17 days, I must admit I was a bit shocked with how challenging it is to take care of the little one without a professional nurse to help me!  (Praise God for those amazing nurses in the NICU.)  The extra steps of mixing up his special fortified breastmilk along with the cycle of nursing, bottle, then pumping--which takes at least 1.5 hours--along with the other responsibilities of taking care of a preemie are more than I anticipated!  But boy are we glad to have him home, and I am grateful for my two moms coming over the weekend and for help with dinners!

Caroline is doing ok with her new baby brother.  It is really tricky since she has a bad cold, and if he gets even a little cold we will be back in the hospital.  We are doing everything we can to keep her away from him (as well as me), but although she understands a lot it still hurts her feelings that she can't crawl in mommy's lap.  I can't wait for her to get well so I can give her some mommy love!

Little Branson is really sweet.  Rebecca Stevenson told me something about how tender and sweet baby boys are, and although I was suspicious at the time, now I see what she means!  He's up to 5 pounds 4 ounces today--a bag of sugar to love!  We're going to do a little photoshoot soon so we'll have some more pictures to post as soon as we can get to it.

It's hard to believe that just 3 weeks ago today I was so sick and being induced. It is truly a miracle that we are getting through this relatively unscathed. I just listened to a recording of the song 'Praise the King' that I sang in church with the choir that Sunday morning before getting called into the hospital. After what He's carried us through, the depth and vigor of my PRAISE takes a whole new meaning. I can't wait to sing it again!

Hope you guys are well, Cristy